There is a tension between a programmers pride in work, and egoless programming. How can we say that a programmer should care about the quality of code that they produce, while at the same time asking them to be not too bound to there code?
With egoless programming we say "You are not your code. Remember, the entire point of a review is to find problems and problems will be found. Don't take it personally when a problem is uncovered. ". We ask that programers be accepting of reviews as it is not a reflection of them that is being reviewed but rather their code. On the other hand we say that they should take pride in their work as it IS a reflection of them.
With egoless programming we say "You are not your code. Remember, the entire point of a review is to find problems and problems will be found. Don't take it personally when a problem is uncovered. ". We ask that programers be accepting of reviews as it is not a reflection of them that is being reviewed but rather their code. On the other hand we say that they should take pride in their work as it IS a reflection of them.
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